Friday, May 24, 2013

Gothica–All Purpose Dark Template For Blogger CMS

Gothica–All Purpose Dark Template For Blogger CMS - Blogger Blogging

“Gothica” is a blogging template done for Blogger CMS. It has wide variety of features, CSS effects and fits various screen resolutions.

Files included

  • xml file

  • html files (for copy-paste into static pages and widgets)

  • css files (including ones for IE and small devices)

  • js files

  • Help folder


  • Sliding panel with widgets

  • Responsive lightbox (disabled for mobiles)

  • Responsive adSense

  • Facebook “like /recommend” button

  • Masonry photo gallery

  • Google Drive based Contact form

  • Custom Search box

  • Custom Archive page

  • Custom 404 page

  • CSS transitions

  • HTML5 audioplayer

  • Styled widgets, page templates and static pages

  • Styled two types of Blogger Comment box (“full” and “embed”)

  • Suitable for both existing and new blogs

  • Suitable for posting with or without page templates applied

  • Fits various screen resolutions

  • Written in HTML5, html code is valid

Tested on: Mac: Safari, Chrome, Opera, Firefox. Windows: IE8, IE9, Chrome. Mobile: iPhone 4S.
Tested live on resolutions: 1920×1080 (Mac) | 1280×1024 (Windows) | 1024×576 (Windows) | 640×960 (iPhone)
For more information about template please visit About Page.

Thank you for visiting!

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