Thursday, May 23, 2013

"The Book Of Hours"–Blog or Shop for Blogger

"The Book Of Hours"–Blog or Shop for Blogger - Blogger Blogging

“The Book Of Hours” is classic layout Blogger template which can serve as a good platform for daily blogging or even PayPal powered webshop.


  • 4 colour schemes included: red, blue, green, yellow

  • 3 times per 24 hours a day (every 8 hours) colour scheme and front page background change (night: yellow, day: green, evening: blue). Apart 3 alternating colour styles there is a red one which you can use as standalone scheme.

  • Template fits all screen resolutions, however, you must note: 1) full-width background images used in demo are 1920px wide (you might want to prepare wider backgrounds for resolutions higher than 1920 px). 2) Browsing website version on mobiles: works fine but might be not as comfortable as browsing native Blogger mobile version (tiny)

  • 5 styled post types (html files with post templates find in downloadable folder)

  • 3 styled static pages including Custom Archive (instead of default Blogger Blogarchive), Contact page and Extras (html files with post templates find in downloadable folder)

  • Modal window + sample html file with modal window content

  • 5 styled Blogger widgets: About Me, Follow By Email, Categories (Labels), HTML widget for resizable embedded video, HTML widget for text

  • Custom search

  • All elements are resizable (videos, buttons, images, sliders). Layout is calculated in percents.

Things to note:

  • Tested on: iMac: Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox || Windows XP: IE8, Chrome || Windows7: IE9, Chrome, Opera || Tablet: Galaxy 10.1 || Mobile: iPnone 4S

  • IE8 is not able to reproduce all CSS styles available for normal browsers like Chrome

  • Look through the demo site (About page) in order to get more information about template structure and features

  • Downloadable folder contains xml, html, js, css files, free icon font, images placeholders, help file in html format

Thank you!

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