Friday, May 24, 2013

Gothica–All Purpose Dark Template For Blogger CMS

Gothica–All Purpose Dark Template For Blogger CMS - Blogger Blogging

“Gothica” is a blogging template done for Blogger CMS. It has wide variety of features, CSS effects and fits various screen resolutions.

Files included

  • xml file

  • html files (for copy-paste into static pages and widgets)

  • css files (including ones for IE and small devices)

  • js files

  • Help folder


  • Sliding panel with widgets

  • Responsive lightbox (disabled for mobiles)

  • Responsive adSense

  • Facebook “like /recommend” button

  • Masonry photo gallery

  • Google Drive based Contact form

  • Custom Search box

  • Custom Archive page

  • Custom 404 page

  • CSS transitions

  • HTML5 audioplayer

  • Styled widgets, page templates and static pages

  • Styled two types of Blogger Comment box (“full” and “embed”)

  • Suitable for both existing and new blogs

  • Suitable for posting with or without page templates applied

  • Fits various screen resolutions

  • Written in HTML5, html code is valid

Tested on: Mac: Safari, Chrome, Opera, Firefox. Windows: IE8, IE9, Chrome. Mobile: iPhone 4S.
Tested live on resolutions: 1920×1080 (Mac) | 1280×1024 (Windows) | 1024×576 (Windows) | 640×960 (iPhone)
For more information about template please visit About Page.

Thank you for visiting!

Sevida - Responsive Magazine Blogger Template

Sevida - Responsive Magazine Blogger Template - Blogger Blogging

Sevida is the premium responsive blog and magazine template for Blogger fans. This template shows you how cool and flexible Blogspot magazine template can be.

If you like my theme, do not forget to rate it Thank you!


  • Responsive Design

  • Auto Featured Post from JSON (Slideshow)

  • Support Advance Editor

  • Lightweight Auto read-more (Official Thumbnail)

  • Ajax load more post

  • Cool blogger threaded comment (Support Google+ Comment)

  • Compatible with major browsers (IE8+,Mozilla,Chrome,Safari)

  • JSON Search Result

  • Two View Mode (List and Grid) width Cookies

  • Recent Comment Widget

  • News Ticker Widget

  • Related Post Widget

  • Optimize SEO

  • Archive Page

  • Emoticon

  • Professional admin layout, help you easy work with blog layout.


  • Flexslider

  • jQuery News Ticker


I wrote a very detail and clear guide to help you easy work with Sevida. But if you have any questions, please feel free use the contact form on my profile page, I’ll answer your questions immediately if you have same GMT with me (GMT +8).

Adamz - Responsive Blogger Template

Adamz - Responsive Blogger Template - Blogger Blogging

Adamz a blogger theme with responsive layout. This theme has a design that is perfect for magazine websites. With an attractive color combination and impressed professionals and has many features.

If you like my theme, do not forget to rate it Thank you!


  • Responsive Design

  • Auto Featured Post from JSON (Slideshow) and Manual Featured Post from Image Widget (Slideshow)

  • Support Advance Editor

  • Lightweight Auto read-more (support third party image, and Youtube Thumbnail)

  • Ajax load more post and Page Navigation

  • Cool blogger threaded comment (Support Google+ Comment)

  • Compatible with major browsers (IE8+,Mozilla,Chrome,Safari)

  • JSON Search Result

  • Recent Comment Widget

  • News Ticker Widget

  • Related Post Widget

  • Optimize SEO

  • Emoticon

  • Custom Error Page

  • Professional admin layout, help you easy work with blog layout.


  • Flexslider

  • jQuery News Ticker

  • Superfish


I wrote a very detail and clear guide to help you easy work with Adamz. But if you have any questions, please feel free use the contact form on my profile page, I’ll answer your questions immediately if you have same GMT with me (GMT +8).

Thursday, May 23, 2013

"The Book Of Hours"–Blog or Shop for Blogger

"The Book Of Hours"–Blog or Shop for Blogger - Blogger Blogging

“The Book Of Hours” is classic layout Blogger template which can serve as a good platform for daily blogging or even PayPal powered webshop.


  • 4 colour schemes included: red, blue, green, yellow

  • 3 times per 24 hours a day (every 8 hours) colour scheme and front page background change (night: yellow, day: green, evening: blue). Apart 3 alternating colour styles there is a red one which you can use as standalone scheme.

  • Template fits all screen resolutions, however, you must note: 1) full-width background images used in demo are 1920px wide (you might want to prepare wider backgrounds for resolutions higher than 1920 px). 2) Browsing website version on mobiles: works fine but might be not as comfortable as browsing native Blogger mobile version (tiny)

  • 5 styled post types (html files with post templates find in downloadable folder)

  • 3 styled static pages including Custom Archive (instead of default Blogger Blogarchive), Contact page and Extras (html files with post templates find in downloadable folder)

  • Modal window + sample html file with modal window content

  • 5 styled Blogger widgets: About Me, Follow By Email, Categories (Labels), HTML widget for resizable embedded video, HTML widget for text

  • Custom search

  • All elements are resizable (videos, buttons, images, sliders). Layout is calculated in percents.

Things to note:

  • Tested on: iMac: Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox || Windows XP: IE8, Chrome || Windows7: IE9, Chrome, Opera || Tablet: Galaxy 10.1 || Mobile: iPnone 4S

  • IE8 is not able to reproduce all CSS styles available for normal browsers like Chrome

  • Look through the demo site (About page) in order to get more information about template structure and features

  • Downloadable folder contains xml, html, js, css files, free icon font, images placeholders, help file in html format

Thank you!

Grid Spot - Responsive Blogger Template

Grid Spot - Responsive Blogger Template - Blogger Blogging

Grid Spot is the premium responsive blog and magazine template for Blogger fans. We designed this template with target is that make you change your thoughts about Blogger platform.


  • Responsive Design

  • Auto Generate Logo if you have no one

  • Build Slider by adding image gadgets

  • Subscibe box at hot place

  • Support Advance Editor

  • Auto read-more, thumbnail for third party images

  • Professional pagination

  • Cool threaded comment system with up to 5 levels of replies

  • Compatible with major browsers

  • Custom 404 page

  • Professional admin layout, help you easy work with blog layout.











  • Flexslider

Weak points

  • We did not test on IE6

  • Grid Spot will not responsive in all IE versions, but, 99% smart devices are not using IE, so don’t worry


I wrote a very detail and clear guide to help you easy work with Grid Spot. But if you have any questions, please feel free use the contact form on my profile page, I’ll answer your questions immediately if you have same GMT with me (GMT +7).


Update History

v1.70 - Aprile 19th, 2013

Fixed: wrong redirect search for specify country domains

v1.60 - April 1st, 2013

Fixed: wrong index time for pagination function

v1.50 - March 27th, 2013

Fixed: wrong navigation widget ID
Fixed: missing Google Analytics built in function
New feature: jump to top button

v1.00 - January 26th, 2013

Initial Release

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Firestorm – Personal Blogging and Photography

The Firestorm – Personal Blogging and Photography - Blogger Blogging

“The Firestorm” was done for Blogger CMS and serves as a good platform for personal writings and photographs.
Layout fits any screen resolution, written in HTML5 and has several well-styled native Blogger widgets + variety of custom features.


Template includes sliding photo background, static photo background, sliding panels, HTML5 music player, custom search, custom archive page, working contact form and many more features. All elements are resizable (images, embedded video, contact form, post boxes etc). For complete list of features visit this page.

Tested on: latest (right to the moment) versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera on iMac + Chrome Windows + IE9 +IE8 + iphone 4S.

Downloadable folder includes:

  • xml file (main template file)

  • html files for post formatting, static pages and widgets markup

  • css files

  • js files

  • placeholders and graphic elements

Things to note:

  • From mobiles please browse the site using native Blogger mobile mode (although template resizes and can be viewed on mobiles as well, Blogger native mobile mode offers better experience.

  • IE8 does not support many features so do not expect same browsing experience like you get it on Chrome.

  • Google web fonts are rendered by Windows pretty poorly, if you are not satisfied with how fonts look on Windows replace them with web-safe fonts.

Thank you!